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Appendix 2 Rights

Note: Table format currently broken for some reason. A copy of this article with a patched (but NOT truly 'fixed') table can be found at DanielJohnson. Remove this link when this article is rendering correctly with all of its links.

This is a reference for rights in RT. The rights are broken down into three tables: global, queue, and group. Within those tables, rights are listed alphabetically. Each right has full description on wiki.

See also Rights article.

Table 1: Global rights

| name of right           | what users with this right can do |
 | AdminAllPersonalGroups  | change name, description, and members of any personal group |
 | AdminCustomFields       | add, delete, and modify custom fields |
 | AdminGroup              | create groups; change groups' name, description, and rights |
 | AdminGroupMembership    | add and remove members from a group |
 | AdminOwnPersonalGroups  | change name, description, and members of their own personal groups |
 | AdminQueue              | create, enable, and disable queues; change queues' name, description, reply and comment address, priority, and due date |
 | AdminUsers              | create users; change anything on users' Basics screen: username, email, name, nickname, Unix login, address, phone numbers,  comments about the user, signature, password, organization and rights.|
 | AssignCustomFields      | ??? |
 | CommentOnTicket         | add comments to tickets |
 | CreateSavedSearch       | ??? |
 | CreateTicket            | create tickets |
 | DelegateRights          | assign their own rights to other users |
 | DeleteTicket            | delete tickets |
 | EditSavedSearches       | ??? |
 | LoadSavedSearch         | ??? |
 | ModifyACL               | change users' and groups' rights. Users with this right should also have the right ShowACL. |
 | ModifyCustomField       | ??? |
 | ModifyOwnMembership     | add or remove themselves from a group |
 | ModifyQueueWatchers     | add and remove [CC]s and [AdminCC]s |
 | ModifyScrips            | add, delete, and change the content of scrips |
 | ModifySelf              | modify his own email address, real name, nickname, extra contact information, password, address, phone numbers, and signature. |
 | ModifyTemplate          | create, modify, and delete scrip templates |
 | ModifyTicket            | change tickets' subject, status, time worked, time left, priorities, queue,  dates, watchers, owner, and relationships to other tickets; add comments and replies to tickets |
 | OwnTicket               | own (be responsible for) a ticket |
 | ReplyToTicket           | add replies to a ticket |
 | SeeQueue                | know that a queue exists; queues will appear in visible listings for this user |
 | ShowACL                 | see the rights granted to users and groups |
 | ShowConfigTab           | have access to the Configuration (Admin) tab |
 | ShowOutgoingEmail       | see full text of emails sent by RT |
 | ShowSavedSearches       | list or load [SavedSearch]es |
 | ShowScrips              | see scrips |
 | ShowTemplate            | see a scrip's email template |
 | ShowTicket              | see tickets |
 | ShowTicketComments      | see comments attached to tickets |
 | SuperUser               | everything; this user has all possible rights within RT |
 | Watch                   | sign up as a requestor or Cc |
 | WatchAsAdminCc          | sign up as an AdminCC |

Table 2: Queue rights

|*name of right*          |*what users with this right can do*|
 |AdminCustomFields        |add, delete, and modify custom fields|
 |AdminQueue               |create, enable, and disable queues; change queues' name, description, reply and comment address, priority, and due date |
 |CommentOnTicket          |add comments to tickets|
 |CreateTicket             |create tickets|
 |DeleteTicket             |delete tickets|
 |ModifyACL                |change users' and groups' rights. Users with this right should also have the right Show ACL.|
 |ModifyQueueWatchers      |add and remove Ccs and AdminCcs |
 |ModifyScrips             |add, delete, and change the content of scrips|
 |ModifyTemplate           |create, modify, and delete scrip templates|
 |ModifyTicket             |change tickets' subject, status, time worked, time left, priorities, queue,  dates, watchers, owner, and relationships to other tickets; add comments and replies to tickets |
 |OwnTicket                |own (be responsible for) a ticket |
 |ReplyToTicket            |add replies to a ticket|
 |SeeQueue                 |know that a queue exists; queues will appear in visible listings for this user |
 |ShowACL                  |see the rights granted to users and groups |
 |ShowScrips               |see scrips|
 |ShowTemplate             |see a scrip's email template|
 |ShowTicket               |see tickets|
 |ShowTicketComments       |see comments attached to tickets|
 |[Watch]                  |sign up as a requestor or Cc|
 |WatchAsAdminCc           |sign up as an AdminCC|

Table 3: Group rights

| *name of right*         | *what users with this right can do* |
 | AdminGroup              | create groups; change groups' name, description, and rights |
 | AdminGroupMembership    | add and remove members from a group |
 | ModifyACL               | change users' and groups' rights. Users with this right should also have the right Show ACL. |
 | ModifyOwnMembership     | add or remove themselves from a group |

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