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RT in italiano

(premessa: il team non ha ancora detto l'ultima parola sull'uso di Rosetta/Launchpad come piattaforma principale per le traduzioni)


Rosetta è una piattaforma online per la traduzione collaborativa, fornito da launchad.

pagina RT su rosetta

Linee guida sull'uso di stringhe traducibili

Queste linee guida sono state scritte per gli sviluppatori. Se sei un traduttore e ti accorgi che una stringa non segue queste linee guida, è consigliabile evitare di tradurla e avvisare gli sviluppatori inviando un messaggio alla lista rt-devel

  • le stringhe non devono contenere riferimenti diretti a variabili (es: $a or $b). Usare segnaposto come `_1` o `%1`
  • le stringhe non dovrebbero iniziare o terminare con spazi.
  • le variabili che rimpiazzeranno i segnaposto dovrebbero contenere semplici numeri o identificativi, altrimenti devono essere a loro volta traducibili. Per esempio, se la stringa "weekly" viene usate come valore sostituito ad un segnaposto, non ci siamo!

Se incontri stringhe che non seguono le regole elencate, è probabile che saranno sistemate più avanti. Comunque, se preferisci tradurle ugualmente, fallo rispettando gli spazi prima/dopo e le eventuali $variabili. Se al prossimo import cambierà la stringa originale, verrà richiesto un nuovo intervento di traduzione, ma rosetta dovrebbe suggerire una traduzione similare da riutilizzare.

Tradurre mediante l'interfaccia WEB di rosetta

Registrati su launchpad e vai alla pagina rt translation page Clicca la tua lingua, e inizia a tradurre o rivedere le stringhe di RT.

Se preferisci usare strumenti offline

Se vuoi utilizzare uno strumento offline per tradurre il file '.po', vai comunque su launchpad per scaricare il file, modificalo e poi fai l'upload del file modificato. Troverai il link per l'upload nella pagina della lingua che stai traducendo. Ricorda che il file di cui fai l'upload si deve chiamare <codice_lingua>.po, anche se quello che avevi scaricato probabilmente si chiamava rt-<codice_lingua>.po.

Glossario italiano per RT

This glossary covers RT terms, both the ones you'll find in version 3 and greater. You can find list of outdated terms from earlier versions at the bottom of the page. Outdated terms won't have definitions, but you'll be referred to the current term. Italics indicate a word that is defined elsewhere in the glossary. Terms in the left column may have a link to other page on this wiki with more info about the term.

Some of these definitions are a bit circular - this is intentional, so you can see how concepts in RT relate to each other, but may be confusing for beginners. If you are new to RT, please read the ManualIntroduction to understand RT's basic concepts and terminology.

Feel free to add terms even without descriptions, maybe then somebody else will add a description, but surely adding a term with a description is much better :).


  • ACL Access Control List; a scheme that supports and keeps track of rights.
  • ACE Access Control Entry; entry in ACL; see also rights.
  • action see scrip action, the preferred term. (See also ScripAction.)
  • Admin CC a Cc that also by default gets copies of comments and generally are allowed to work on the ticket.


  • category (definition needed)
  • custom action see scrip action, the preferred term. (See also ScripAction.)
  • custom condition see scrip condition, the preferred term. (See also ScripCondition.)
  • Cc someone who should get copies of any replies that go to the requestor.
  • child relationship indicating a smaller, narrower subproject of a larger, broader project (the parent.)
  • comment a private note for staff not visible to the requestor by default.
  • condition see scrip condition, the preferred term. (See also ScripCondition.)
  • correspondence synonym for reply.
  • custom field database fields that can be customized to each organization's needs.


  • deleted status indicating that a ticket should not have been in the system and is being removed.
  • depended on by relationship indicating that this ticket must be resolved before another ticket can be resolved.
  • depends on relationship indicating that this ticket can't be resolved unless another ticket is resolved first.
  • due date the date by which the ticket should be resolved. See also final priority.


  • final priority the priority a ticket moves towards as it approaches its DueDate.


  • global across the entire system.
  • group a set of related users; useful when assigning rights.


  • history a permanent record of what has happened to the ticket since (and including) its creation.


  • link synonym for relationship.


  • merge to combine one ticket with another ticket.
  • member a user or subgroup that is part of a group.


  • new status indicating that a ticket has just been created and has not been touched yet.


  • open status indicating that a ticket is getting worked on.
  • owner the person responsible for a ticket and its resolution.


  • parent relationship indicating a large umbrella project containing subprojects (children).
  • people a ticket's watchers and owner.
  • personal group a group set up by a staff user for a purpose like delegating rights to it.
  • Priority how important a ticket is, represented as numerical scale from 0-99, with 99 being the highest priority. See also final priority.
  • privileged user a user who can be granted rights. See also unprivileged user.


  • Queue the central administrative domain of RT. A line of tickets waiting to be worked on, but it's also, to some extent, a ticket's category.


  • referred to by relationship indicating that this ticket is relevant to another ticket; watchers of the second ticket should consult the ticket for context.
  • refers to relationship indicating that another ticket is relevant to this one; watchers should consult the second ticket for context.
  • rejected status indicating that the ticket will not ever be resolved but will remain recorded in the system.
  • relationship one ticket's connection to another; either a loose association or a dependency. See also depends on, depended on by, refers to, referred to by, parent, and child.
  • reply a public remark that a requestor can see. A synonym for Correspondence.
  • request see ticket, the preferred term.
  • Requestor the person who asked for something to get done; the ticket's reason for being.
  • resolved status indicating that work on a ticket has been completed.
  • REST
  • Rights ability given to a user or group to do something in RT. Rights can be granted by queue or for the entire system. Rights can be given to groups, roles, or individual users.
  • role type of watcher, such as owner, requestor, Cc, and _AdminCC_.


  • self service (See also SelfService.)
  • Scrip scrip a custom notification that will automatically take a certain scrip action in response to a certain scrip condition, often using a template.
  • scrip action something a scrip does in response to a scrip condition. (See also ScripAction .)
  • scrip condition something that has to happen to activate a scrip, like a ticket being created or a comment being made. (See also ScripCondition.)
  • stalled status indicating that a ticket cannot be worked on for now, but will open again when someone adds a comment or reply.
  • status classification that shows a ticket's progress through the system. See also new, open, stalled, resolved, rejected and deleted.
  • subgroup a group that's part of another group, generally to illustrate a hierarchy.
  • system group a group across RT such as "Privileged" (all privileged users), "Unprivileged" (all unprivileged users), and "Everyone" (every user). You can't change the membership of system groups, however, you grant them rights


  • Template template essentially an email form letter that goes along with a scrip action in a scrip.
  • Ticket ticket the central object in RT, the thing that needs to get done. Tickets have metadata attached to them such as owner, status, queue, etc.
  • ticket stub email message received by a requestor to confirm that his request has been received and a ticket created. See also autoreply
  • transaction (definition needed)


  • Unprivileged unprivileged user a user who usually has no rights to do things in RT; often a requestor whose account was automatically created when the ticket was sent; see also privileged.
  • updates see comment and reply, the more specific terms for updates.
  • user anyone who interacts with RT in any way. See staff and non-staff.


  • Watcher someone who is interested in a ticket. Normally the watchers get emails whenever the ticket is changed. See also owner, requestor, Cc and _AdminCc_.

Outdated terms

  • dead see deleted.
  • interested party see watcher.
  • keyword see custom field.
  • non-staff user see unprivileged user.
  • permission see right.
  • privilege see right.
  • pseudogroup see system group.
  • staff user see privileged user.