InstallationGuides: Difference between revisions

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= Introduction =
= The best/easiest distribution for RT =
= The best/easiest distribution for RT =

There is no the best or the easiest. People run RT on Arch Linux, Debian, FreeBSD, NetBSD, RH7/8/9, RHEL, CentOS, Fedora, Solaris, SuSE, Gentoo, OpenBSD.
People run RT on Arch Linux, Debian, FreeBSD, NetBSD, RHEL, CentOS, Fedora, Solaris, SuSE, Gentoo, OpenBSD. That said, it's most widely deployed on Linux distributions based on either Debian or Red Hat, so you'll find the most resources and support if you can choose something in one of those two families (including CentOS, Fedora, and Ubuntu). The [[ManualInstallation]] page documents how to install from source there.
Just look at the list of guides below. Pick a distro you're familiar with, check if it has packages for the latest stable RT or install from source.

= Generic Installation Guides =
= Generic Installation Guides =
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** [ Request Tracker (Arch Wiki)]
** [ Request Tracker (Arch Wiki)]
* CentOS:
* CentOS:
** [[CentOS5InstallPlusSome]] (CentOS 5.4 + Active Directory 2003 + Exchange 2007 + Postfix + RT 3.8.7)
** [[CentOS7Install]] (CentOS 7.2.1511 install using Perl RPMs and CPANminus to source CPAN dependencies)
** [ CentOS 5.x and 6.x (RT 4.0.5)] (CentOS 5.x / 6.x + RT 4.0.5)
** [ CentOS 6.2 (RT 4.0.5)] (An unofficial installation guide)
** [ CentOS 6.2 (RT 4.0.5)] (A slightly different unofficial installation guide compared to the one above)
** [ CentOS 6.4 (RT 4.2)] (CentOS-6.4 - x86_64 Minimal Install + RT 4.2)
* Cygwin
** [[CygwinInstallGuide]]
* Debian GNU/Linux:
** [[DebianSqueezeInstallGuide]] (RT 4, via apt)
** [[DebianLennyInstallGuide]] (RT 3.81, mysql 5, postifx)
** [[DebianLennySourceInstallGuide]]
** [[DebianEtchSourceInstallGuide]]
** [[DebianStableInstallGuide|DebianSargeeInstallGuide]]
** [ Debian 7.2 (RT 4.2)] (Ubuntu guide with Debian-specific notes; Apache, MySQL)
** [[DebianJessieInstallGuide]] (RT 4.2, via apt, nginx/apache)
* Fedora:
** [[FedoraCore1InstallGuide]]
** [[FedoraCore2InstallGuide]]
** [[FedoraCore4InstallGuide]]
** Fedore Core 5 and greater have packages, see below
* MacOSX:
** [[MacOSXServerInstallGuide]]
** [[MacOSX SnowLeopard ClientInstallGuide|MacOSX_SnowLeopard_ClientInstallGuide]]
** [[Mac_OSX_10.6.8_Snow_Leopard_Server_Install]]
* OpenBSD:
** [[OpenBSD38InstallGuide]]
** [[OpenBSD40InstallGuide]]
* openSUSE
** [[OpenSUSE123InstallGuide|openSUSE 12.3]]
** [[OpenSUSE122InstallGuide|openSUSE 12.2]]
** [ OpenSuSE 11.3 InstallGuide + MySQL + RTFM and more]
* RedHat EL:
** [[RHEL4InstallGuide]]
** [[Rhel5InstallGuide|RHEL5InstallGuide]]
* Slackware
** [[SlackwareInstallGuide]]
* Solaris
** [[SolarisInstallGuide]]
* [[SuSE|SUSE Linux Enterprise (SLE):]]
* [[SuSE|SUSE Linux Enterprise (SLE):]]
** [[SLES11InstallGuide]]
** [[SLES11InstallGuide]]
** [[SuSE10InstallGuide]]
** [[SuSE93InstallGuide]]
** [[SuSEOracleInstall]]
* Ubuntu
** [ Ubuntu 8.04.1 + RT 3.8.1 + MySQL]
** [ Ubuntu 9.04 + RT 3.8.2 + MySQL]
** [ Upgrade from 3.8.2 to 3.8.3]
** [ Ubuntu 9.10 + RT 3.8.4 + MySQL]
** [[WithEmailFacility|Ubuntu 10.04 with inbound/outbound email facility]]
** [[Ubuntu 12.10 Install Guide]] (RT4, nginx, Fast-CGI, Postfix)
** [ Ubuntu 13.04 With RT4.0 ]
** [ Ubuntu 13.10 (RT 4.2, Apache, MySQL)]
==== Packaged Installs ====
* [[Rhel5InstallGuide]]
* [[CentOS5InstallGuide]]
* [[RHELorCentOSusingEPEL]]
* [[DebianInstallGuide]]
** Portuguese translation: [[GuiaInstalacaoDebian]]
* Fedora:
** [[FedoraCore5InstallGuide]]
** [[FedoraCore6InstallGuide]]
** [[FedoraCore7InstallGuide]]
** [[FedoraCore9InstallGuide]]
* [[FreeBSDInstallGuide]]
* [ FreeBSDInstallGuide_-_RT4.2]
* [[GentooInstallGuide]]
* [[MandrivaInstallGuide]]
* [[RPMInstall]]
** (RHEL/CentOS/WBEL, updated for v3.4.5. Includes how to get mod_perl2 running)
* [[SolarisBlastwaveInstallGuide]]
* [[SuSE]]:
** [[OpenSUSE123InstallGuide]]
** [[OpenSUSE122InstallGuide]]
* Ubuntu:
** [[UbuntuInstallGuide]]
** [[UbuntuInstallGuide2]] (Ubuntu 6.06 / RT 3.6 / mysql)
** [[UbuntuHardyInstallGuide]] (Ubuntu 8.04 / RT 3.6 / mysql)
* Vmware:
** [[VmwareInstall]]
* Virtual Appliances:
** [[Proxmox VE RT Appliance|Proxmox_VE_RT_Appliance]] (RT 3.8.x)
==== Perl Module Repositories for RHEL/CentOS ====
* [[RHEL5RepoArchive]]

= Database Specific Notes =
= Database Specific Notes =

Latest revision as of 17:26, 4 October 2021

The best/easiest distribution for RT

People run RT on Arch Linux, Debian, FreeBSD, NetBSD, RHEL, CentOS, Fedora, Solaris, SuSE, Gentoo, OpenBSD. That said, it's most widely deployed on Linux distributions based on either Debian or Red Hat, so you'll find the most resources and support if you can choose something in one of those two families (including CentOS, Fedora, and Ubuntu). The ManualInstallation page documents how to install from source there.

Generic Installation Guides

Platform-Specific Installation Guides

Database Specific Notes

Web Server Specific Notes



Deployment guides

Documents which explain why and which way, rather than how.