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Implementing a Survey using LimeSurvey Version 2 with RT 3.8

With this article, I would like to help you to implement a survey for every ticket, if desired.


1. Add a Custom Field called "CustomerSurveyToken"

2. Setup Limesurvey and activate JSON-RPC (

3. Change the Global Template "Resolved" as following:

Subject: Your subject
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Your text...
use strict;
use warnings;
use JSON::RPC::Client;
my $baseurl = 'https://your.server/limesurvey/index.php';
my $apiurl = $baseurl . '/admin/remotecontrol';
my $surveyurl = $baseurl . '/survey/index/sid/%s/token/%s';

my $cf_name = 'CustomerSurveyToken';

my $user = 'username for limesurvey-api';
my $password = 'password for limesurvey-api';
my $survey_id = your survey-id;
my $token = $Ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue($cf_name);

my ($toEmailAddr) = $Ticket->Requestors->MemberEmailAddresses;

my $partData = [
  { email => $toEmailAddr },

if($token eq  && $toEmailAddr) {

  my $client = JSON::RPC::Client->new();

  $client->{id} = 1;

  my $sessionKeyResult = $client->call($apiurl, {
    method => 'get_session_key',
    params => [$user, $password]

  if($sessionKeyResult && !$sessionKeyResult->is_error) {
    my $sessionKey = $sessionKeyResult->result;

    my $participantResult  = $client->call($apiurl, {
      method => 'add_participants',
      params => [$sessionKey, $survey_id, $partData]

    if($participantResult && !$participantResult->is_error) {
      $token = $participantResult->result->[0]->{'token'};

      my $cf_obj = RT::CustomField->new($RT::SystemUser);
      $cf_obj->LoadByName( Name => $cf_name );
      $Ticket->AddCustomFieldValue(Field => $cf_obj, Value => $token, RecordTransaction => 0); 

    $client->call($apiurl, {
      method => 'release_session_key',
      params => [$sessionKey]

my $url = ;
if($token) {
  $url = sprintf($surveyurl, $survey_id, $token);
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