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Latest revision as of 16:23, 6 April 2016

This version works well for me, but hasn't been tested very thoroughly. You'll need to adjust the value of $Queue and the id of the custom field.

% # {{{ comment
 % #
 % # Created: 12/05/2004 13:55:01 EST by Andy Harrison
 % #         {
 % #             TLD      => 'com',
 % #             Username => 'aharrison',
 % #             Domain   => 'gmail'
 % #         }
 % #
 % # ------------------
 % # Time Worked Report
 % # ------------------
 % #
 % # Plugin for the RT Statistics Package
 % #
 % # $Id: RT3StatisticsPackageTimeWorked,v 1.7 2006/10/26 12:21:19 www-data Exp $
 % #
 % # }}}
 <& /Elements/Header, Title => loc('RT Statistics: sysops-tasks queue, Time Worked Report') &>
 <& /Statistics/Elements/Tabs,  Title => loc('RT Statistics: Time Worked Report, sysops-tasks') &>
 <form method="POST">
 <&|/l&>Days to see</&>:
 <INPUT TYPE=text MAXLENGTH=2 SIZE=3 VALUE="<% 1+$max %>" NAME="max">
 <&|/l&>See weekends</&>:
 <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" <% $weekends && 'CHECKED' %> name="weekends">
 <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="<&|/l&>Go!</&>"</INPUT>
 % # --------
 % # Re-add this if you want to be able to pick queues again
 % #
 % # <&|/l&>See Queue</&>:<BR>
 % # <& /Elements/SelectQueue, Name=>"queue", ShowNullOption=>0 &>
 % # --------
 % #
 % # Now start iterating through our dates and
 % # building our our results and summary hashes.
 % #
 % for my $d (0..$#dates) {
 %     my $x = 1;
 %       for my $CurrentTicketType ( @CustomTicketTypes ) {
 %           #
 %           # Create a fresh Tickets object
 %           #
 %           my $TicketsObj = new RT::Tickets( $RT::SystemUser );
 %           #
 %           # (just wanted a CurrentDayStart for my own readability )
 %           #
 %           my $CurrentDayStart = new RT::Date( $RT::SystemUser );
 %           $CurrentDayStart->Set(
 %                   Format => 'unix',
 %                   Value  => $dates[ $d ]->Unix
 %           );
 %           $CurrentDayStart->SubtractDay;
 %           #
 %           # In the current date range, we want to just
 %           # make a list of tickets that have been updated
 %           # in the current time period for this pass.
 %           #
 %           $TicketsObj->LimitDate(
 %                   FIELD    => 'LastUpdated',
 %                   VALUE    => $dates[$d]->ISO,
 %                   OPERATOR => "<="
 %           );
 %           if ( $dates[$d+1] ) {
 %               $TicketsObj->LimitDate(
 %                       FIELD    => 'LastUpdated',
 %                       VALUE    => $CurrentDayStart->Unix,
 %                       OPERATOR => ">="
 %               );
 %           }
 %           #
 %           # You could do this for other queues if you wanted
 %           #
 %           $TicketsObj->LimitQueue( VALUE => $Queue );
 %           #
 %           # Only show transactions where there was some work done
 %           #
 %           $TicketsObj->LimitTimeWorked( VALUE => 1, OPERATOR => ">" );
 %           #
 %           # Limiting the search to the custom field that we use
 %           # for the type work being done in the ticket
 %           #
 %           $TicketsObj->LimitCustomField(
 %                   CUSTOMFIELD => 129,
 %                   VALUE       => "$CurrentTicketType",
 %                   OPERATOR    => "="
 %           );
 %           #
 %           #
 %           # $TicketsObj will now contain tickets with
 %           # a transaction for the current date
 %           #
 %           #
 %           # For every ticket in the list, we want to cycle through its
 %           # transactions looking for what we want.
 %           #
 %           while ( my $CurrentTicketObj = $TicketsObj->Next ) {
 %               my $CurrentTransactionsObj = $CurrentTicketObj->Transactions;
 %               my $LastTicket;
 %               while ( my $CurrentTicketTransactionObj =
 %                           $CurrentTransactionsObj->Next ) {
 %                   my $CurTransDateObj = new RT::Date( $RT::SystemUser );
 %                   $CurTransDateObj->Set(
 %                           Format => 'ISO',
 %                           Value  => $CurrentTicketTransactionObj->Created
 %                   );
 %                   if (
 %                           (    $CurrentTicketTransactionObj->Type
 %                                    eq 'Comment'
 %                             || $CurrentTicketTransactionObj->Type
 %                                    eq 'Correspond'
 %                             || $CurrentTicketTransactionObj->Type
 %                                    eq 'Create'
 %                           )
 %                       &&
 %                           (       $CurTransDateObj->Unix
 %                                       <= $dates[ $d ]->Unix
 %                               &&  $CurTransDateObj->Unix
 %                                       >= $CurrentDayStart->Unix
 %                           )
 %                       &&  $CurrentTicketTransactionObj->TimeTaken
 %                   ) {
 %                       $TicketResults{ $CurrentDayStart->ISO }{ $CurrentTicketType } =
 %                           $SubTableObj->render(
 %                           {
 %                               'TicketID'          =>
 %                                   $CurrentTicketTransactionObj->TicketObj->id,
 %                               'TicketSubject'     =>
 %                                   $CurrentTicketTransactionObj->TicketObj->Subject,
 %                               'TicketRequestor'   =>
 %                                   $CurrentTicketTransactionObj->TicketObj->RequestorAddresses,
 %                               'TransactionID'     =>
 %                                   $CurrentTicketTransactionObj->id,
 %                               'Employee'          =>
 %                                   $CurrentTicketTransactionObj->CreatorObj->Name,
 %                               'Worked'            =>
 %                                   $CurrentTicketTransactionObj->TimeTaken,
 %                               'EntryDate'         =>
 %                                   $CurrentTicketTransactionObj->Created,
 %                           });
 %                       $EmployeeSummary{ $CurrentTicketType }{ $CurrentTicketTransactionObj->CreatorObj->Name } +=
 %                           $CurrentTicketTransactionObj->TimeTaken;
 %                       $EmployeeSummary{ 'total/person' }{ $CurrentTicketTransactionObj->CreatorObj->Name } +=
 %                           $CurrentTicketTransactionObj->TimeTaken;
 %                       $EmployeeSummary{ $CurrentTicketType }{ 'total/type' } +=
 %                           $CurrentTicketTransactionObj->TimeTaken;
 %                       $EmployeeSummary{ 'total/person' }{ 'total/type' } +=
 %                           $CurrentTicketTransactionObj->TimeTaken;
 %#                       $EmployeeSummary{ $CurrentTicketType }{ $CurrentTicketTransactionObj->CreatorObj->Name } +=
 %#                           $TicketResults{ $CurrentDayStart->ISO }{ $CurrentTicketType }{ Worked };
 %#                       $EmployeeSummary{ 'total/person' }{ $CurrentTicketTransactionObj->CreatorObj->Name } +=
 %#                           $TicketResults{ $CurrentDayStart->ISO }{ $CurrentTicketType }{ Worked };
 %#                       $EmployeeSummary{ $CurrentTicketType }{ 'total/type' } +=
 %#                           $TicketResults{ $CurrentDayStart->ISO }{ $CurrentTicketType }{ Worked };
 %#                       $EmployeeSummary{ 'total/person' }{ 'total/type' } +=
 %#                           $TicketResults{ $CurrentDayStart->ISO }{ $CurrentTicketType }{ Worked };
 %                   }
 %               }
 %           }
 % #         $data[$x++][$d] = $TicketsObj->Count;
 %     }
 % }
 % #
 % # Dump the summary of gathered TimeWorked
 % #
 % #
 % # Make the totals appear in bold
 % #
 % foreach my $TotalToStyle ( keys %{ $EmployeeSummary{ 'total/person' } } ) {
 %       $EmployeeSummary{ 'total/person' }{ $TotalToStyle } =
 %           "<b>"
 %           . $EmployeeSummary{ 'total/person' }{ $TotalToStyle }
 %           . "</b>";
 % }
 % foreach my $TotalToStyle ( keys %EmployeeSummary ) {
 %       $EmployeeSummary{ $TotalToStyle }{ 'total/type' } =
 %           "<b>"
 %           . $EmployeeSummary{ $TotalToStyle }{ 'total/type' }
 %           . "</b>";
 % }
 % print $TableObj->render( \%TicketResults );
 % print $TableObj->render( \%EmployeeSummary );
 %# No graphing at the moment
 %## <%perl>
 %## my $url= 'Elements/Chart?x_labels=';
 %## for (0..$max) {
 %##     $url .= $data[0][$_] . ",";
 %## }
 %## chop $url;
 %## $url .= "&";
 %## shift @data;
 %## for (0..$#data) {
 %##     $url .= "data".(1+$_)."=".(join ",", @{$data[$_]})."&";
 %## }
 %## chop $url;
 %## </%perl>
 %## <IMG SRC="<% $url %>" type="image/png">
 %## <BR>
 %## <font color="red"> <&|/l&>Resolved</&></FONT> <font color="green"><&|/l&>Created</&></font>
 %## <font color="blue"> <&|/l&>Deleted</&> </font> <BR>
 $max => undef
 $Queue => 45
 $weekends => 1
 unless ( eval { require HTML::QuickTable } ) {
     die "Unable to load HTML::QuickTable module: $@\n"
 my $TableObj = HTML::QuickTable->new(
                                       labels => 1,
                                       th     => { class  => 'ticketheader' },
                                       table  => { border => 0 },
                                       td     => { style  => 'border: solid black 1px' },
                                       null   => ' ',
 my $SubTableObj = HTML::QuickTable->new(
                                       labels => 0,
                                       table  => { border => 0 },
                                       null   => ' ',
 my @days = qw(Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat);
 my $n = 0;
 my @data = ([]);
 my @dates;
 my @msgs;
 my @CustomTicketTypes;
 my %EmployeeSummary;
 my %TicketResults;
 # Load up the specified queue
 # my $QueueObj = new RT::Queue($session{'CurrentUser'});
 my $QueueObj = new RT::Queue( $RT::SystemUser );
 $QueueObj->Load( $Queue ) || Abort(loc("Queue could not be loaded."));
 # We use a custom field to designate the particular
 # type of work being done, Maintenance, Security,
 # Documentation, etc.
 # All you need is push strings to the @CustomTicketTypes
 # list and it will split up the report into those
 # categories
 my $CustomFieldsObj = $QueueObj->CustomFields;
 while ( my $CustomFieldObj = $CustomFieldsObj->Next ) {
     next unless $CustomFieldObj->Name eq "Type";
     my $CustomFieldValuesObj = $CustomFieldObj->Values();
     while ( my $CustomFieldValueObj = $CustomFieldValuesObj->Next ) {
         push @CustomTicketTypes, $CustomFieldValueObj->Name;
 # Create the list of dates.
 until ($#dates == $max) {
 #   my $date = new RT::Date($session{CurrentUser});
     my $date = new RT::Date( $RT::SystemUser );
     $date->Set(Value=>time - $n, Format => 'unix');
     my $when = $days[(localtime($date->SetToMidnight))[6]];
     $n+= 60*60*24;
     next if !$weekends and ( $when eq "Sat" or $when eq "Sun" );
     unshift @dates, $date;
     unshift @{ $data[0] },
         $days[(localtime($date->Unix))[6]]."%20". (localtime($date->Unix))[3];
 * This seems great but where are you supposed to put this file?

- MichaelErana, August 5, 2005

* No idea, I'm trying to figure that out too.

- RoyMiller, October 26, 2005

* File goes into /<rt3dir>/share/html/RTx/Statistics/TimeWorked/index.html
 * Will need to add a link to the base index.html

- Spiker, June 10, 2009