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Unofficial Installation Guide

This is an unofficial installation guide. It may be outdated or apply only to very specific configurations and versions. The official and maintained installation steps for RT are in the README and UPGRADING documents included in the official .tar.gz packages.

This page 'MacOSXServerLeopard' is tagged as OUTDATED
This page contains out of date and possibly misleading information or instructions such as installation methods or configuration examples that no longer apply. Please consider this warning when reading the page below.
If you have checked or updated this page and found the content to be suitable, please remove this notice by editing the page and remove the Outdated template tag.

Installation on Mac OS X 10.5 Server

These instructions might not be accurate, as I'm writing from memory.

Please update if you find any errors.

Install Developer Tools

Server doesn't have developer tools installed by default. You'll need that to update CPAN in the steps below; this requires `make`.

Get MySQL client libraries and headers

Either build them yourself or copy them over from another system. You can also install the MySQL package from, but make sure to use only the client libraries from it. Leopard Server comes with a sufficiently recent MySQL for RT.

Start and configure CPAN

sudo cpan

Update CPAN to the latest version

sudo -s
export HOME=/private/var/root

This is done to avoid breaking some tests that check the user's home directory. sudo has the bad habit of not picking up the correct $HOME.

install Bundle::CPAN
reload cpan

Manually install required packages that break on OS X

look DBD::mysql
perl Makefile.PL --mysql_config=/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_config
force test DBD::mysql
install DBD::mysql
look HTML::Mason

edit Build.PL and comment the require Apache::Request line out

perl Build.PL
force test HTML::Mason
install HTML::Mason

Get RT

Download the latest tgz from, unpack and switch to the rt-... directory.

make testdeps
make fixdeps

Wait a while, accept all dependencies.

make testdeps

If everything went fine, there should be no missing packages now. If there are, fix them with the cpan look method above and describe here what you did.

Install RT

sudo make install

Edit /opt/rt3/etc/ to suit your needs

sudo make initialize-database

Configure MySQL

It's possible that RT will refuse to connect to MySQL via its socket (/var/mysql/mysql.sock). Enable TCP access to MySQL from Server Admin in that case, and make sure to disallow connections from outside or set up secure passwords for all MySQL grants.

Configure Apache

Using the Apache configurator of Server Admin, create a new VHost for your RT.

Edit /etc/apache2/sites/<####_ip_port_vhostname>.conf and add the following:

 	PerlRequire "/opt/rt3/bin/"
 	<Location "/NoAuth/images">
 		SetHandler default
 	<Location "/">
 		SetHandler perl-script
 		PerlResponseHandler RT::Mason

Using Server Admin, enable mod_perl by adding

perl_module libexec/apache2/

to the list of modules.

Restart Apache.
