
From Request Tracker Wiki
Revision as of 16:49, 8 January 2017 by Barton (talk | contribs)
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Low Hanging Fruit

Code block cleanup

The previous version of the rt-wiki used a single space indent, sometimes surrounded by <nowiki> tags to delimit code blocks. Media-wiki uses a four space indent to delimit code. The old style does not correctly format the first line of the code block.

The four space indent also makes the code literal, so you don't have to add html entities for greather than and less than.


$$skip = 1 if $Transaction->Creator == $RT::SystemUser->id;
$Transaction => undef
$skip => undef


   $$skip = 1 if $Transaction->Creator == $RT::SystemUser->id;
   $Transaction => undef
   $skip => undef

sed script to clean up nowiki tagged code

Note that you will have to turn html entities back into their rendered forms. I recommend pasting the wiki text to a file (say, /tmp/fix-nowiki.txt) and running the folloiwing:

   sed '/^ /,/^ <\/nowiki>/{s/^ / \n    /;
       s/^ /    /;
       /nowiki>/d}' /tmp/fix-nowiki.txt