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  • RT has two REST APIs - the original REST v1.0 API and a newer, REST2 JSON API.
  • The REST1 API is still used and supported. Many things use it, including RT's mail gateway, rt-mailgate.

The REST2 API uses JSON for queries and responses, making it easier to integrate RT with other systems to read and update RT from scripts and applications on remote servers.


  • REST2 is core in RT 5.0.0 and later, so you do not need the extension for those versions.

Authentication Tokens

  • It is recommended to use authentication tokens instead of usernames and passwords for API requests, especially when used in scripts and automation. Authentication should always be done over HTTPS/SSL for security. You should only serve up the /REST/2.0/ endpoint over SSL.
  • Authentication Tokens is core in RT 5.0.0 and later, so you do not need the extension for those versions.
  • If upgrading from RT 4.4.x to RT 5.0.x and later: A clean install is recommended anyway. If you were using RT::Authen::Token. You will need to remove any configuration for RT::Authen::Token and follow the migration steps to migrate your existing tokens to RT5 core.

Documentation and Examples

There are some differences between RT5 core REST2 and earlier RT::Extension::REST2. Refer to the correct documentation for the RT version you are using:

Unfortunately the documentation lacks detailed explanation and examples in many places, especially for anything other than tickets (users, groups etc.).

The purpose of this wiki page is to collect working examples, code snippets and other resources to help work with the API.

Other sources of help

If you can't find an answer:

  • Ask in the RT forums for help.
  • Try asking ChatGPT or AI tools, referring to the above OpenAPI spec and Documentation.
  • Consider alternatives such as the PERL or REST1 APIs.
  • Hire Best Practical to develop a solution. :)


Create New User

curl "$RT_URL/REST/2.0/user" \
   --request POST \
   --header "Authorization: token $RT_TOKEN" \
   --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
   --no-buffer \
   --data-binary '
           "Name": "newuser2",
           "Password": "password123",
           "EmailAddress": "",
           "RealName": "New User",
           "Privileged": 1,

- Omitting Privileged will add an unprivileged user by default.

Get group information

- This example searches for a group "Staff" and returns the details:

curl --silent "<your_server>/REST/2.0/groups" \
   --request POST \
   --header "Authorization: token <your_token>" \
   --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
   --data-binary '
           { "field": "Name",
             "value": "Staff"


  "pages": 1,
  "items": [
      "_url": "https://<your_server>/REST/2.0/group/71414",
      "type": "group",
      "id": "71414"
  "per_page": 20,
  "total": 1,
  "count": 1,
  "page": 1

# Add user to group, where group_id is set in a variable.
curl --silent "$RT_URL/REST/2.0/user/$RT_USER/groups" \
   --request PUT \
   --header "Authorization: token $RT_TOKEN" \
   --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
   --data-binary '['$group_id']'
  • Working with JSON data structures in bash is fiddly. You can use jq to get values from the JSON in a useable format. For example by piping the above curl command to return various properties from the search for group "Staff"
curl ...<as above> | jq -r '.items[].id'

If you are doing anything serious, it is better to use a scripting language such as python or perl, which has support for JSON and nested data structures. But by way of example, I have posted a simple example of a bash script to add a user to a group using the REST2 API: rt-groupadd

Clients for RT REST2 API

OpenAPI Documentation Generator

  • The following example installs and runs openapi-generator on Debian to create documentation based on Colloquial's OpenAPI Specification. There are a number of other ways to install it (see documentation). This was the quickest way for me to install it on my existing RT dev server:

1. Create html directory e.g. /var/www/apidocs and configure your web server to serve this directory from a suitable URL. (optional):

# mkdir /var/www/apidocs

2. nginx config snippet (goes in the relevent server section). restart nginx after adding:

       # REST2 API Docs
       location /apidocs {
               alias /var/www/apidocs;

4. Install:

 # apt-get install pip default-jre
 # pip install openapi-generator-cli

5. Generate docs from yaml, e.g:

 # root@support:~# cd /var/www/apidocs
 # root@support:/var/www/apidocs# wget
 # root@support:/var/www/apidocs# openapi-generator-cli generate -g html2 -i https://<your_server>/apidocs/request_tracker_rest2.yaml

6. Browse to your documentation location e.g. https://<your_server>/apidocs