HowToInstallRequest-Tracker3.8OnUbunto9.10: Difference between revisions

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(*Process works on RT3.8 and Ubuntu11.4. (6/27/2011)*)
Line 150: Line 150:

Add the following line to the [[VirtualHost]] section of Apache from which you wish to serve RT
Add the following line to the [[VirtualHost]] section of Apache from which you wish to serve RT
Edit the /etc/request-tracker3.8/apache2-modperl2.conf
sudo vi /etc/request-tracker3.8/apache2-modperl2.conf
# Limit mail gateway access to localhost by default<br /><Location /rt/REST/1.0/NoAuth><br />Order Allow,Deny<br />Allow from ALL  # turned into all<br /></Location>

Paste at the end of the file just before the closing virtualhost tag
Paste at the end of the file just before the closing virtualhost tag

Revision as of 03:04, 8 March 2012

HowTo Install Request-Tracker 3.8 on ubuntu 9.10 and MySQL

This Howto will explain how to install request-tracker on a clean Ubuntu 9.10 Server install. It is tested on Ubuntu 9.10 and might work with slight modifications on other versions or Debian based distributions.

  • Process works on RT3.8 and Ubuntu11.4. (6/27/2011)*

It also installs the additional services required for Request-Tracker:

  • Mysql - Database to Store the RT information.
  • Postfix - Email Server (for sending emails)
  • Apache2 - Web Server

Logon as a user with the right to use the sudo command.

Make sure you have the latest software

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

Install MySql with perl interface

sudo apt-get install mysql-server libdbd-mysql-perl libapache-dbi-perl

Answer Y

Type password for root in mysql

Repeat password for root in mysql

Install the Web server with specific files for request-tracker3.8

sudo apt-get install rt3.8-apache2 rt3.8-db-mysql

Answer Y

*In install request-tracker3.8(I found Ubuntu server 9.10's packet don't include rt3.8-db-mysql),if don't install it,create the mysql Database will create sqlite3's database,don't create mysql's.)*

Install mail server (SMTP Server)

sudo apt-get install postfix

Choose "Internet Site" in the install dialogue.

Write the name of the local server

Install Request Tracker 3.8 server and client

sudo apt-get install request-tracker3.8 rt3.8-clients

Answer Y

Write rt.domainname

Answer "Yes" to Handle permissions?

Answer “Yes” to Configure database for request-tracker3.8 with dbconfig-common?

* RT default install DIR is /usr/share/request-tracker3.8/html *

Configure Request Tracker 3.8

Make backup of configuration file.

sudo cp /etc/request-tracker3.8/ /etc/request-tracker3.8/

Edit Request Tracker configuration file.

sudo vim /etc/request-tracker3.8/
  #---your file should look something like this ----------------
  # vim /etc/request-tracker3.8/
  #TIMEZONE – takes the timezone from linux installation.
  my $zone = "UTC";
  $zone='/bin/cat /etc/timezone'
  if -f "/etc/timezone";
  chomp $zone;
  Set($Timezone, $zone);
  Set($rtname, '');
  Set($Organization, '');
  Set($CorrespondAddress , '');
  Set($CommentAddress , '');
  Set($WebPath , "/rt");
  Set($WebBaseURL , "");
  Set($DatabaseType, 'mysql');
  Set($DatabaseHost, 'localhost');
  Set($DatabasePort, '');
  Set($DatabaseUser , 'rtuser');
  Set($DatabasePassword , 'wibble');
  Set($DatabaseName, 'rtdb');

Create database

sudo /usr/sbin/rt-setup-database --action init --dba root --prompt-for-dba-password

This should be the result:

Working with:

Type: mysql

Host: localhost

Name: rtdb

User: rtuser

DBA: root

Now creating a mysql database rtdb for RT.


Now populating database schema.


Now inserting database ACLs

Granting access to rtuser@'localhost' on rtdb.


Now inserting RT core system objects


Now inserting data

Done inserting data


Add rt perl module to apache

Backup apache configuration file

sudo cp /etc/apache2/sites-available/default /etc/apache2/sites-available/default.orig

Edit the configuration file

sudo vi /etc/apache2/sites-available/default

Add the following line to the VirtualHost section of Apache from which you wish to serve RT

Edit the /etc/request-tracker3.8/apache2-modperl2.conf

sudo vi /etc/request-tracker3.8/apache2-modperl2.conf
  1. Limit mail gateway access to localhost by default
    <Location /rt/REST/1.0/NoAuth>
    Order Allow,Deny
    Allow from ALL # turned into all

Paste at the end of the file just before the closing virtualhost tag

Include /etc/request-tracker3.8/apache2-modperl2.conf
RedirectMatch ^/$ /rt

Add the module

sudo a2enmod rewrite

Restart webserver

sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

Start using Request Tracker

Now you are ready to logon to Request Tracker on '' using

User: root

Password: password

And you are on your way, have fun :-).