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Unofficial Installation Guide
This is an unofficial installation guide. It may be outdated or apply only to very specific configurations and versions. The official and maintained installation steps for RT are in the README and UPGRADING documents included in the official .tar.gz
HowTo Install Request-Tracker 3.8 on ubuntu 9.10 and MySQL
This Howto will explain how to install request-tracker on a clean Ubuntu 9.10 Server install. It is tested on Ubuntu 9.10 and might work with slight modifications on other versions or Debian based distributions.
- Process works on RT3.8 and Ubuntu11.4. (6/27/2011)*
It also installs the additional services required for Request-Tracker:
- Mysql - Database to Store the RT information.
- Postfix - Email Server (for sending emails)
- Apache2 - Web Server
Logon as a user with the right to use the sudo command.
Make sure you have the latest software
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade
Install MySql with perl interface
sudo apt-get install mysql-server libdbd-mysql-perl libapache-dbi-perl
Answer Y
Type password for root in mysql
Repeat password for root in mysql
Install the Web server with specific files for request-tracker3.8
sudo apt-get install rt3.8-apache2 rt3.8-db-mysql
Answer Y
*In install request-tracker3.8(I found Ubuntu server 9.10's packet don't include rt3.8-db-mysql),if don't install it,create the mysql Database will create sqlite3's database,don't create mysql's.)*
Install mail server (SMTP Server)
sudo apt-get install postfix
Choose "Internet Site" in the install dialogue.
Write the name of the local server
Install Request Tracker 3.8 server and client
sudo apt-get install request-tracker3.8 rt3.8-clients
Answer Y
Write rt.domainname
Answer "Yes" to Handle permissions?
Answer “Yes” to Configure database for request-tracker3.8 with dbconfig-common?
* RT default install DIR is /usr/share/request-tracker3.8/html *
Configure Request Tracker 3.8
Make backup of configuration file.
sudo cp /etc/request-tracker3.8/ /etc/request-tracker3.8/
Edit Request Tracker configuration file.
sudo vim /etc/request-tracker3.8/ #---your file should look something like this ---------------- # vim /etc/request-tracker3.8/ #TIMEZONE – takes the timezone from linux installation. my $zone = "UTC"; $zone='/bin/cat /etc/timezone' if -f "/etc/timezone"; chomp $zone; Set($Timezone, $zone); # THE BASICS: Set($rtname, ''); Set($Organization, ''); Set($CorrespondAddress , ''); Set($CommentAddress , ''); # THE WEBSERVER: Set($WebPath , "/rt"); Set($WebBaseURL , ""); # THE DATABASE: Set($DatabaseType, 'mysql'); Set($DatabaseHost, 'localhost'); Set($DatabasePort, ''); Set($DatabaseUser , 'rtuser'); Set($DatabasePassword , 'wibble'); Set($DatabaseName, 'rtdb'); #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Create database
sudo /usr/sbin/rt-setup-database --action init --dba root --prompt-for-dba-password
This should be the result:
Working with:
Type: mysql
Host: localhost
Name: rtdb
User: rtuser
DBA: root
Now creating a mysql database rtdb for RT.
Now populating database schema.
Now inserting database ACLs
Granting access to rtuser@'localhost' on rtdb.
Now inserting RT core system objects
Now inserting data
Done inserting data
NOTE : If you receive a message stating that the database is already created, drop the table and then initialize the table. Like this:
/usr/sbin/rt-setup-database-4 --action drop --dba root --prompt-for-dba-password
After the table is dropped you can run the original command in this step to initialize your table.
Add rt perl module to apache
Backup apache configuration file
sudo cp /etc/apache2/sites-available/default /etc/apache2/sites-available/default.orig
Edit the /etc/request-tracker3.8/apache2-modperl2.conf
sudo vi /etc/request-tracker3.8/apache2-modperl2.conf
- Limit mail gateway access to localhost by default
<Location /rt/REST/1.0/NoAuth>
Order Allow,Deny
Allow from ALL # turned into all
Edit the configuration file
sudo vi /etc/apache2/sites-available/default
Add the following line to the VirtualHost section of Apache from which you wish to serve RT
Paste at the end of the file just before the closing virtualhost tag
Include /etc/request-tracker3.8/apache2-modperl2.conf RedirectMatch ^/$ /rt
- In the step,you need add VirtualHost config code in the 'default' file. *The VirtualHost like the /var/www/,but in </VirtualHost> front add up two line.
Add the module
sudo a2enmod rewrite
Restart webserver
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
Start using Request Tracker
Now you are ready to logon to Request Tracker on '' using
User: root
Password: password
And you are on your way, have fun :-).