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The printable version is no longer supported and may have rendering errors. Please update your browser bookmarks and please use the default browser print function instead.

This version works well for me, but hasn't been tested very thoroughly. You'll need to adjust the value of $Queue and the id of the custom field.

% # {{{ comment
 % #
 % # Created: 12/05/2004 13:55:01 EST by Andy Harrison
 % #         {
 % #             TLD      => 'com',
 % #             Username => 'aharrison',
 % #             Domain   => 'gmail'
 % #         }
 % #
 % # ------------------
 % # Time Worked Report
 % # ------------------
 % #
 % # Plugin for the RT Statistics Package
 % #
 % # $Id: RT3StatisticsPackageTimeWorked,v 1.7 2006/10/26 12:21:19 www-data Exp $
 % #
 % # }}}
 <& /Elements/Header, Title => loc('RT Statistics: sysops-tasks queue, Time Worked Report') &>
 <& /Statistics/Elements/Tabs,  Title => loc('RT Statistics: Time Worked Report, sysops-tasks') &>
 <form method="POST">
 <&|/l&>Days to see</&>:
 <INPUT TYPE=text MAXLENGTH=2 SIZE=3 VALUE="<% 1+$max %>" NAME="max">
 <&|/l&>See weekends</&>:
 <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" <% $weekends && 'CHECKED' %> name="weekends">
 <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="<&|/l&>Go!</&>"</INPUT>
 % # --------
 % # Re-add this if you want to be able to pick queues again
 % #
 % # <&|/l&>See Queue</&>:<BR>
 % # <& /Elements/SelectQueue, Name=>"queue", ShowNullOption=>0 &>
 % # --------
 % #
 % # Now start iterating through our dates and
 % # building our our results and summary hashes.
 % #
 % for my $d (0..$#dates) {
 %     my $x = 1;
 %       for my $CurrentTicketType ( @CustomTicketTypes ) {
 %           #
 %           # Create a fresh Tickets object
 %           #
 %           my $TicketsObj = new RT::Tickets( $RT::SystemUser );
 %           #
 %           # (just wanted a CurrentDayStart for my own readability )
 %           #
 %           my $CurrentDayStart = new RT::Date( $RT::SystemUser );
 %           $CurrentDayStart->Set(
 %                   Format => 'unix',
 %                   Value  => $dates[ $d ]->Unix
 %           );
 %           $CurrentDayStart->SubtractDay;
 %           #
 %           # In the current date range, we want to just
 %           # make a list of tickets that have been updated
 %           # in the current time period for this pass.
 %           #
 %           $TicketsObj->LimitDate(
 %                   FIELD    => 'LastUpdated',
 %                   VALUE    => $dates[$d]->ISO,
 %                   OPERATOR => "<="
 %           );
 %           if ( $dates[$d+1] ) {
 %               $TicketsObj->LimitDate(
 %                       FIELD    => 'LastUpdated',
 %                       VALUE    => $CurrentDayStart->Unix,
 %                       OPERATOR => ">="
 %               );
 %           }
 %           #
 %           # You could do this for other queues if you wanted
 %           #
 %           $TicketsObj->LimitQueue( VALUE => $Queue );
 %           #
 %           # Only show transactions where there was some work done
 %           #
 %           $TicketsObj->LimitTimeWorked( VALUE => 1, OPERATOR => ">" );
 %           #
 %           # Limiting the search to the custom field that we use
 %           # for the type work being done in the ticket
 %           #
 %           $TicketsObj->LimitCustomField(
 %                   CUSTOMFIELD => 129,
 %                   VALUE       => "$CurrentTicketType",
 %                   OPERATOR    => "="
 %           );
 %           #
 %           #
 %           # $TicketsObj will now contain tickets with
 %           # a transaction for the current date
 %           #
 %           #
 %           # For every ticket in the list, we want to cycle through its
 %           # transactions looking for what we want.
 %           #
 %           while ( my $CurrentTicketObj = $TicketsObj->Next ) {
 %               my $CurrentTransactionsObj = $CurrentTicketObj->Transactions;
 %               my $LastTicket;
 %               while ( my $CurrentTicketTransactionObj =
 %                           $CurrentTransactionsObj->Next ) {
 %                   my $CurTransDateObj = new RT::Date( $RT::SystemUser );
 %                   $CurTransDateObj->Set(
 %                           Format => 'ISO',
 %                           Value  => $CurrentTicketTransactionObj->Created
 %                   );
 %                   if (
 %                           (    $CurrentTicketTransactionObj->Type
 %                                    eq 'Comment'
 %                             || $CurrentTicketTransactionObj->Type
 %                                    eq 'Correspond'
 %                             || $CurrentTicketTransactionObj->Type
 %                                    eq 'Create'
 %                           )
 %                       &&
 %                           (       $CurTransDateObj->Unix
 %                                       <= $dates[ $d ]->Unix
 %                               &&  $CurTransDateObj->Unix
 %                                       >= $CurrentDayStart->Unix
 %                           )
 %                       &&  $CurrentTicketTransactionObj->TimeTaken
 %                   ) {
 %                       $TicketResults{ $CurrentDayStart->ISO }{ $CurrentTicketType } =
 %                           $SubTableObj->render(
 %                           {
 %                               'TicketID'          =>
 %                                   $CurrentTicketTransactionObj->TicketObj->id,
 %                               'TicketSubject'     =>
 %                                   $CurrentTicketTransactionObj->TicketObj->Subject,
 %                               'TicketRequestor'   =>
 %                                   $CurrentTicketTransactionObj->TicketObj->RequestorAddresses,
 %                               'TransactionID'     =>
 %                                   $CurrentTicketTransactionObj->id,
 %                               'Employee'          =>
 %                                   $CurrentTicketTransactionObj->CreatorObj->Name,
 %                               'Worked'            =>
 %                                   $CurrentTicketTransactionObj->TimeTaken,
 %                               'EntryDate'         =>
 %                                   $CurrentTicketTransactionObj->Created,
 %                           });
 %                       $EmployeeSummary{ $CurrentTicketType }{ $CurrentTicketTransactionObj->CreatorObj->Name } +=
 %                           $CurrentTicketTransactionObj->TimeTaken;
 %                       $EmployeeSummary{ 'total/person' }{ $CurrentTicketTransactionObj->CreatorObj->Name } +=
 %                           $CurrentTicketTransactionObj->TimeTaken;
 %                       $EmployeeSummary{ $CurrentTicketType }{ 'total/type' } +=
 %                           $CurrentTicketTransactionObj->TimeTaken;
 %                       $EmployeeSummary{ 'total/person' }{ 'total/type' } +=
 %                           $CurrentTicketTransactionObj->TimeTaken;
 %#                       $EmployeeSummary{ $CurrentTicketType }{ $CurrentTicketTransactionObj->CreatorObj->Name } +=
 %#                           $TicketResults{ $CurrentDayStart->ISO }{ $CurrentTicketType }{ Worked };
 %#                       $EmployeeSummary{ 'total/person' }{ $CurrentTicketTransactionObj->CreatorObj->Name } +=
 %#                           $TicketResults{ $CurrentDayStart->ISO }{ $CurrentTicketType }{ Worked };
 %#                       $EmployeeSummary{ $CurrentTicketType }{ 'total/type' } +=
 %#                           $TicketResults{ $CurrentDayStart->ISO }{ $CurrentTicketType }{ Worked };
 %#                       $EmployeeSummary{ 'total/person' }{ 'total/type' } +=
 %#                           $TicketResults{ $CurrentDayStart->ISO }{ $CurrentTicketType }{ Worked };
 %                   }
 %               }
 %           }
 % #         $data[$x++][$d] = $TicketsObj->Count;
 %     }
 % }
 % #
 % # Dump the summary of gathered TimeWorked
 % #
 % #
 % # Make the totals appear in bold
 % #
 % foreach my $TotalToStyle ( keys %{ $EmployeeSummary{ 'total/person' } } ) {
 %       $EmployeeSummary{ 'total/person' }{ $TotalToStyle } =
 %           "<b>"
 %           . $EmployeeSummary{ 'total/person' }{ $TotalToStyle }
 %           . "</b>";
 % }
 % foreach my $TotalToStyle ( keys %EmployeeSummary ) {
 %       $EmployeeSummary{ $TotalToStyle }{ 'total/type' } =
 %           "<b>"
 %           . $EmployeeSummary{ $TotalToStyle }{ 'total/type' }
 %           . "</b>";
 % }
 % print $TableObj->render( \%TicketResults );
 % print $TableObj->render( \%EmployeeSummary );
 %# No graphing at the moment
 %## <%perl>
 %## my $url= 'Elements/Chart?x_labels=';
 %## for (0..$max) {
 %##     $url .= $data[0][$_] . ",";
 %## }
 %## chop $url;
 %## $url .= "&";
 %## shift @data;
 %## for (0..$#data) {
 %##     $url .= "data".(1+$_)."=".(join ",", @{$data[$_]})."&";
 %## }
 %## chop $url;
 %## </%perl>
 %## <IMG SRC="<% $url %>" type="image/png">
 %## <BR>
 %## <font color="red"> <&|/l&>Resolved</&></FONT> <font color="green"><&|/l&>Created</&></font>
 %## <font color="blue"> <&|/l&>Deleted</&> </font> <BR>
 $max => undef
 $Queue => 45
 $weekends => 1
 unless ( eval { require HTML::QuickTable } ) {
     die "Unable to load HTML::QuickTable module: $@\n"
 my $TableObj = HTML::QuickTable->new(
                                       labels => 1,
                                       th     => { class  => 'ticketheader' },
                                       table  => { border => 0 },
                                       td     => { style  => 'border: solid black 1px' },
                                       null   => ' ',
 my $SubTableObj = HTML::QuickTable->new(
                                       labels => 0,
                                       table  => { border => 0 },
                                       null   => ' ',
 my @days = qw(Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat);
 my $n = 0;
 my @data = ([]);
 my @dates;
 my @msgs;
 my @CustomTicketTypes;
 my %EmployeeSummary;
 my %TicketResults;
 # Load up the specified queue
 # my $QueueObj = new RT::Queue($session{'CurrentUser'});
 my $QueueObj = new RT::Queue( $RT::SystemUser );
 $QueueObj->Load( $Queue ) || Abort(loc("Queue could not be loaded."));
 # We use a custom field to designate the particular
 # type of work being done, Maintenance, Security,
 # Documentation, etc.
 # All you need is push strings to the @CustomTicketTypes
 # list and it will split up the report into those
 # categories
 my $CustomFieldsObj = $QueueObj->CustomFields;
 while ( my $CustomFieldObj = $CustomFieldsObj->Next ) {
     next unless $CustomFieldObj->Name eq "Type";
     my $CustomFieldValuesObj = $CustomFieldObj->Values();
     while ( my $CustomFieldValueObj = $CustomFieldValuesObj->Next ) {
         push @CustomTicketTypes, $CustomFieldValueObj->Name;
 # Create the list of dates.
 until ($#dates == $max) {
 #   my $date = new RT::Date($session{CurrentUser});
     my $date = new RT::Date( $RT::SystemUser );
     $date->Set(Value=>time - $n, Format => 'unix');
     my $when = $days[(localtime($date->SetToMidnight))[6]];
     $n+= 60*60*24;
     next if !$weekends and ( $when eq "Sat" or $when eq "Sun" );
     unshift @dates, $date;
     unshift @{ $data[0] },
         $days[(localtime($date->Unix))[6]]."%20". (localtime($date->Unix))[3];
 * This seems great but where are you supposed to put this file?

- MichaelErana, August 5, 2005

* No idea, I'm trying to figure that out too.

- RoyMiller, October 26, 2005

* File goes into /<rt3dir>/share/html/RTx/Statistics/TimeWorked/index.html
 * Will need to add a link to the base index.html

- Spiker, June 10, 2009