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make a "local" MakeClicky callback. On Debian/Ubuntu packaged RT, the path for local mods is /usr/local/share/request-tracker3.8

Local callbacks go under: /usr/local/share/request-tracker3.8/html/Callbacks/Default

The makeClicky callbacks in particular go in the file:

Put the following in that file in order to have 2 MakeClicky callbacks -- link_ticket and link_fedex. Remember to edit your file to activate your specific MakeClicky callbacks by name, like this:

Set(@Active_MakeClicky, qw(short_ticket_link markup_fedex));

Restart Apache after making the callback file (below) and editting the config file (above). Then whenever someone says "Fedex #333" in a ticket, it will automatically be a link to tracking for 333.

--- callback file named "Default" begins after this line ---
 $types   => []
 $actions => {}
 my $web_path = RT->Config->Get('WebPath');
 # action that takes "Ticket #NNN" as argument and returns link to the ticket
 $actions->{'link_ticket'} = sub {
     my %args = @_;
     # use Data::Dumper; $RT::Logger->error(Dumper \%args);
     my $id = $args{all_matches}[1];
     return qq{<a href="$web_path/Ticket/Display.html?id=$id">$args{value}</a>};
 # action that takes "Fedex #NNN" as argument and returns link to fedex tracking
 $actions->{'link_fedex'} = sub {
     my %args = @_;
     # use Data::Dumper; $RT::Logger->error(Dumper \%args);
     my $id = $args{all_matches}[1];
     return qq{<a target="_new" href="$id">$args{value}</a>};
 # add action to the list
 push @$types, (
                   name   => 'short_ticket_link',     # name, that should be used in config to activate action
                   regex  => qr{ticket\s+#(\d+)}i,    # regular expression that matches text 'ticket #xxx'
                   action => 'link_ticket',           # name of the action that should be applied
                   name   => 'markup_fedex',     # name, that should be used in config to activate action
                   regex  => qr{Fedex\s+#(\d+)}i,    # regular expression that matches text 'fedex #xxx'
                   action => 'link_fedex',           # name of the action that should be applied