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I hate using a web browser for composing mail. I much prefer to use my regular email client when responding to RT tickets. However, browsing ticket history is better done in a web browser. I wanted to combine these needs.

Using the brilliant callback-mechanism in RT, I insert some mailto hyperlinks at the top of each Transaction in RT, when clicked, an email response is generated in my email client ready to be edited.

I simply created the file /html/Callbacks/COMPANY/Ticket/Elements/ShowTransaction/AfterDescription in my local RT directory:

% if ($Transaction->Type eq 'Correspond' or $Transaction->Type eq 'Comment' or $Transaction->Type eq 'Create') {
   | <a href="mailto:<% $Ticket->QueueObj->CorrespondAddress %>?subject=<% $subject|u%>&references=<% $message_id|nu %>&body=<% $content | un%>">Email reply</a>
   | <a href="mailto:<% $Ticket->QueueObj->CommentAddress %>?subject=<% $subject|u%>&references=<% $message_id|nu %>&body=<% $content | un%>">Email comment</a>
% }

my $Ticket = $Transaction->TicketObj;
my $subject = "[".$RT::Config->Get('rtname')." #".$Ticket->Id."] ".$Ticket->Subject;
my $content = $Transaction->Content('Quote' => 1, 'Wrap' => 75, 'Type' => 'text/plain');
my $message_id = $Transaction->Message->First->GetHeader ('Message-ID') if $Transaction->Message->First; 