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Unofficial Installation Guide

This is an unofficial installation guide. It may be outdated or apply only to very specific configurations and versions. The official and maintained installation steps for RT are in the README and UPGRADING documents included in the official .tar.gz packages.

This page 'GentooInstallGuide' is tagged as OUTDATED
This page contains out of date and possibly misleading information or instructions such as installation methods or configuration examples that no longer apply. Please consider this warning when reading the page below.
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Installing RT in Gentoo


Latest version available through Portage: rt-4.0.5

Tested on a new basic hardened install on amd64 March 12, 2012.

This guide uses virtual hosting. Virtual hosting means that you can give the appearance of running several servers while using only one machine. If your machine is going to be used only for RT, then you may use this guide as is; the fact that you are using virtual hosting will not be a conflict. However, if your machine is going to be used for other things in addition to RT, and you are not familiar with virtual hosting, you should probably check out Apache's documentation on Virtual Hosts.

Note: This version of the guide assumes that you have updated your Apache installation per this document. This is not needed on a brand new install of apache.


Turn on the vhosts flag for rt. If the vhosts flag is disabled, webapp-config will be run automatically.

# echo "www-apps/rt vhosts" >> /etc/portage/package.use

You also need either MySQL or PostgreSQL, so add that to the package use if not already a global use flag.

# echo "www-apps/rt mysql" >> /etc/portage/package.use


# echo "www-apps/rt postgres" >> /etc/portage/package.use

The above can be combined into one line.

To install, enter

# emerge -av --autounmask-write=y --backtrack=30 rt

It will give a huge list of needed keyword, mask, and USE changes necessary. Verify the USE flags you want are set. Press enter to accept and then

# etc-update

Then run the emerge command again. This will pull in MySQL or PostgreSQL and Apache if not already installed.

Don't forget to run etc-update or dispatch-conf

Since we are installing RT into a virtual host, we will need to symlink/copy our installation into our /var folder. This guide will use myrt as the hostname.

# webapp-config -I -h myrt -d rt rt 4.0.5

Database Setup

RT provides a script called rt-setup-database which creates the initial database for you. Please note that rt-setup-database does not create a database user for you. If you have not already created a database user for RT, please consult the appropriate documentation, such as ConfigureMysqlOnGentoo.


If you did not previously have mysql installed, you will need to ConfigureMysqlOnGentoo.

PostgreSQL (untested in current update of this document):

# /var/www/myrt/rt-4.0.5/sbin/rt-setup-database --action init --dba postgres --prompt-for-dba-password

For this to work, PostgreSQL may need to listen on TCP 5432. In your postgresql.conf, set

listen_addresses = 'localhost', port = 5432

Configure RT

After installing RT into the virtual host, you will need to configure RT. RT uses an overlay system for configuration. On Gentoo, the default configuration will be at /var/www/myrt/rt-4.0.5/etc/, and the site-specific configuration will be at /var/www/myrt/rt-4.0.5/etc/ I would recommend copying over to (which does not get installed), and modifying all of the settings in

# cd /var/www/myrt/rt-4.0.5/etc
# cp

You should set WebSessionClass to Apache::Session::File if you plan to use internal authentication.

Now you need to set up your database connection, web location, email gateway, etc. Please consult section 7. Configuration of ManualInstallation.

Configure Webserver


Note: Additional information may be found in ManualApacheConfig.


As of rt-3.4.4, mod_perl2 is supported.

Save the following to "/etc/apache2/vhosts.d/rt_apache2.conf", replacing MY_RT_DOMAIN and MY_EMAIL_ADDRESS.

    ServerAdmin MY_EMAIL_ADDRESS
    # the following line might need to be uncommented:
    #LoadModule perl_module modules/
    ### Optional apache logs for RT
    #ErrorLog /var/www/myrt/rt-4.0.5/var/log/apache2.error
    #TransferLog /var/www/myrt/rt-4.0.5/var/log/apache2.access
    #LogLevel debug

    AddDefaultCharset UTF-8

    DocumentRoot "/var/www/myrt/htdocs/rt"
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all
        SetHandler modperl
        PerlResponseHandler Plack::Handler::Apache2
        PerlSetVar psgi_app /var/www/myrt/rt-4.0.5/sbin/rt-server
        use Plack::Handler::Apache2;

Edit /etc/conf.d/apache2 to instruct apache to start with PERL enabled.

APACHE2_OPTS="[other options] -D PERL"

NOTE: you may need to

chown -R apache:apache /var/www/myrt/rt-4.0.5/var

mod_fastcgi (outdated instructions)

NOTE: If you wish to use mod_fastcgi, you need to instruct webapp-config to install rt with appropriate permissions. Edit /etc/vhosts/webapp-config:


RT comes with a Gentoo-specific Apache2 configuration file. It can be found in /var/www/myrt/rt-3.6.1/etc/rt_apache2_fcgi.conf

Copy it to the Apache vhosts directory and edit to set MY_RT_DOMAIN and [=ServerAdmin]:

cp /var/www/myrt/rt-3.6.1/etc/rt_apache2_fcgi.conf /etc/apache2/vhosts.d/
vim /etc/apache2/vhosts.d/rt_apache2_fcgi.conf

Edit /etc/conf.d/apache2 to instruct apache2 to start with FASTCGI and enabled.


If this is your first time installing apache, you will want it to start on bootup.

rc-update add apache2 default

Restart apache so that all changes made so far will take effect.

/etc/init.d/apache2 restart

lighttpd (untested)

You can run RT on lighttpd + fastcgi. The ebuild will install an initscript /etc/init.d/rt and a config file /etc/conf.d/rt.

NOTE: If you wish to use mod_fastcgi, you need to instruct webapp-config to install rt with appropriate permissions. Edit /etc/vhosts/webapp-config:


You will need to edit /etc/conf.d/rt to set RTPATH to the root of your installation. You shouldn't need to edit anything else in that file.

Also note that, under the default configuration, the socket in $FCGI_SOCKET_PATH is owned by rt:lighttpd, and is chmod-ded to g+rwx. This means that user lighttpd needs to be in the rt group. One way to do that is to use vigr. If you don't like that, edit /etc/init.d/rt to suit your needs.

You will also need to edit /etc/lighttpd.conf to enable mod_fastcgi.

  • Uncomment mod_fastcgi under server.modules
  • set server.document-root
  • set fastcgi.server to something like this:
fastcgi.server = ( "/rt" =>
( "rt" =>
"socket" => "/var/www/localhost/rt-3.6.1/var/appSocket",
"check-local" => "disable"

Be sure to set the correct path to socket (same as $FCGI_SOCKET_PATH in /etc/conf.d/rt).

Now, start rt and lighttpd:

/etc/init.d/rt start
/etc/init.d/lighttpd start

If things don't seem to be working, check the lighttpd logs in /var/log/lighttpd and edit /etc/init.d/rt as per the comments in the file to make the rt daemon more verbose.

Note: you should be able to use this initscript with any fastcgi-enabled webserver. Please send me an email if you get rt to work with any other webserver.

Log in

Use your browser to log into RT. Username is root, and password is password. Change your password.

Comments, questions, problems

Upgrades (old but likley still relevant)

3.6.1 is out in portage! Can anyone provide some advice on how to upgrade from 3.6.0 to 3.6.1 in gentoo?

Normally this should just be as easy as webapp-config -U -h rt 3.6.1. However, the problem here is that none of the ebuilds follow a common structure. eg, some of them install the RT html data into the htdocs, some install into the default hostroot/rt/share/html. It also looks like somewhere along the line someone's changed the default install prefix from hostroot/rt to hostroot/rt-version, so 3.6.1 will install to hostroot/rt-3.6.1 -- TomLanyon