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When creating tickets in RT on behalf of a user, it's often useful to look over the list of tickets in which the user is a requestor in order to avoid duplicates. Opening a tab, moving to the search page and building a new search can however be uselessly time-consuming.

With this simple customisation, upon selecting a Requestor through the autocomplete dropdown on the ticket creation page, a panel will appear on the bottom of the page listing this user's most recent tickets.

In Callbacks/AutoRequestorTicketSearch/Ticket/Create.html/AfterRequestors :

<script type="text/javascript">
       jQuery('form[name=TicketCreate]').after('<div id="auto-requestor-ticket-search" style="clear:both;"></div>');
         select:function( event, ui ) {
                 jQuery('#auto-requestor-ticket-search').empty().load("/Helpers/AutoRequestorTicketSearch.html?" + jQuery.param({ UserEmail: ui.item.value }));

In Helpers/AutoRequestorTicketSearch.html :

<&|/Widgets/TitleBox, title => "Last 25 tickets for " . $User->RealName &>
% if ($Collection->CountAll() > 0) {
<& /Elements/CollectionList,
    AllowSorting => 0,
    Class => 'RT::Tickets',
    Collection => $Collection,
    ShowNavigation => 0,
    ShowEmpty => 1,
% if ($Collection->CountAll() > 25) {
<& /Elements/Submit, Label => loc('Voir tous'), &>
% } % } else { <p><&|/l&>No tickets found.</&></p> % } <%INIT> my $User = RT::User->new($RT::SystemUser); $User->LoadByEmail($UserEmail); my $Query = "Requestor.EmailAddress LIKE '${UserEmail}'"; my %query_args = ( Format => qq{ '__id__/TITLE:#', '__Subject__/TITLE:Subject', '__Status__', '__OwnerName__', '__LastUpdatedRelative__'}, OrderBy => 'LastUpdated', Order => 'DESC', Rows => 25, ); my $Collection = RT::Tickets->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} ); $Collection->FromSQL($Query); <%ARGS> $UserEmail