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Auto Create User and Lookup Alternate Addresses via LDAP

To make the AutoCreateFromExternalUserInfo overlay recognise that a person may have multiple users I added amended scripts. This allows RT to work the LDAP directory in MS Exchange 5.5 (I don't know about later versions). e.g.

cn = joeb
email =
otherMailbox = smtp$
otherMailbox = smtp$

Will all refer back to RT user joeb with RT email =

It also allows the helpdesk staff to enter requestors as joeb,, or and still refer to user joeb.

Place and in $RT_HOME/lib/RT folders

  # overlay
  # author: Phillip Cole (phillip d cole @ uk d coltgroup d com)
  # based on and much help from the mailing lists
  no warnings qw(redefine);
  # {{{ sub CanonicalizeEmailAddress
  =head2 CanonicalizeEmailAddress ADDRESS
  # Lookup this email address in Exchange LDAP to make sure it is the
  # users primary email address
  # i.e. replace with
  sub CanonicalizeEmailAddress {
      my $self = shift;
      my $email = shift;
      $RT::Logger->debug("CanonicalizeEmailAddress: Inside version email=$email\n");
      if ($email) {
          my ($found, %params) = RT::User::LookupExternalUserInfo("otherMailbox", "smtp\$$email");
          if ($found) {
              if ($params{'EmailAddress'} and ($email ne $params{'EmailAddress'})) {
                  $RT::Logger->info("CanonicalizeEmailAddress: Changing email to " . $params{'EmailAddress'} . "\n");
  # {{{ sub CanonicalizeUserInfo
  =head2 CanonicalizeUserInfo
  Colt Custom function to lookup a new users details from within an LDAP directory
  sub CanonicalizeUserInfo {
      my $self = shift;
      my $args = shift;
      my $success = 1;
      $success = 0;
      $RT::Logger->debug("CanonicalizeUserInfo: Inside version\n" .
                         '   $args->{\'RealName\'}    =' . $args->{'RealName'} . "\n" .
                         '   $args->{\'Name\'}        =' . $args->{'Name'} . "\n" .
                         '   $args->{\'EmailAddress\'}=' . $args->{'EmailAddress'} . "\n");
      # $args is a hash reference.  To get at it's values need to call $args->{'key'}
      # $args has keys:
      #    RealName     - User human name (e.g. Cole, Phillip)
      #    Name         - Username (e.g. ukpgc)
      #    EmailAddress - Email address (e.g.
      #    Comments     - Comments created during creation
      # Try to match by User ID first
      my ($found, %params) = RT::User::LookupExternalUserInfo("uid", $args->{'Name'});
      if (!$found) {
          # If not found try to match email address
          my $email = $self->CanonicalizeEmailAddress($args->{'EmailAddress'});
          ($found, %params) = RT::User::LookupExternalUserInfo("mail", $email);
      if ($found) {
          $RT::Logger->info("CanonicalizeUserInfo: Setting args as returned via LDAP,\n");
          $args->{'Name'} = $params{'Name'};
          $args->{'RealName'} = $params{'RealName'};
          $args->{'EmailAddress'} = $params{'EmailAddress'};
          $args->{'Comments'} = 'Autocreated via LDAP when added as a watcher';
          $success = 1;
  # }}}
  # {{{ sub LookupExternalUserInfo
  =head2 LookupExternalUserInfo
  LookupExternalUserInfo takes a key/value pair, looks it up in LDAP,
  and returns a (sparse) params hash suitable for creating a User object
  sub LookupExternalUserInfo {
     my $key = shift;
     my $value = shift;
     # I have dreams of this function using an $LdapAttrMap hash fpr
     # Ldap -> RT account creation, in the form of:
     #   %RT::LdapAttrMap = ( Name=> 'uid',
     #                        RealName=> 'cn',
     #                        EmailAdress=> 'mail',
     #                        [anyUserAttr]=> [anyLdapAttr]);
     # But until then, you better have the following variables defined
     # in your
     #   Set($LdapServer, "ldap.domain.tld");
     #   Set($LdapBase, "cn=Users,dc=domain,dc=tld");
     #   Set($LdapUidAttr, "uid");
     #   Set($LdapNameAttr, "cn");
     #   Set($LdapMailAttr, "mail");
     #   Set($LdapFilter, "(objectclass=person)");
     #   Set($AutoCreateFromExternalUserInfo, 1);
     # enjoy!
     my $FoundInExternalDatabase = 0;
     my %params = ( Name=> undef,
                    EmailAddress=> undef,
                    RealName=> undef);
     $RT::Logger->debug("LookupExternalUserInfo: Entered with:\n",
                        "\tkey   = $key\n",
                        "\tvalue = $value\n");
     use Net::LDAP;
     my $ldap = new Net::LDAP($RT::LdapServer)
       or $RT::Logger->critical("LookupExternalUserInfo: Cannot connect to ",
         return ($FoundInExternalDatabase, %params);
     my $mesg = $ldap->bind();
     if ($mesg->code != LDAP_SUCCESS) {
       $RT::Logger->critical("LookupExternalUserInfo: Cannot bind anonymously ",
                             "to LDAP:", $mesg->code, "\n");
       #$params{'RealName'} = "\"$params{'RealName'}\"";
       return ($FoundInExternalDatabase, %params);
     my $filter = "@{[ $key ]}=$value";
     $RT::Logger->debug("LookupExternalUserInfo: First search filter ",
     $mesg = $ldap->search(base   => $RT::LdapBase,
                           filter => $filter,
                           attrs  => [ $RT::LdapUidAttr, $RT::LdapMailAttr, $RT::LdapNameAttr ]);
     if ($mesg->code != LDAP_SUCCESS and $mesg->code != LDAP_PARTIAL_RESULTS)  {
       $RT::Logger->critical("LookupExternalUserInfo: Could not search for ",
                             "$filter: ", $mesg->code, "\n");
       $params{'RealName'} = "\"$params{'RealName'}\"";
       return ($FoundInExternalDatabase, %params);
     $RT::Logger->debug("LookupExternalUserInfo:  Search produced ",
                        $mesg->count, " results\n");
     # The search succeeded with just one match
     if ($mesg->count == 1) {
       $params{'Name'} = ($mesg->first_entry->get_value($RT::LdapUidAttr))[0];
       $params{'EmailAddress'} = ($mesg->first_entry->get_value($RT::LdapMailAttr))[0];
       $params{'RealName'} = ($mesg->first_entry->get_value($RT::LdapNameAttr))[0];
       #$params{'RealName'} = "\"$params{'RealName'}\"";
       $FoundInExternalDatabase = 1;
     $mesg = $ldap->unbind();
     if ($mesg->code != LDAP_SUCCESS) {
       $RT::Logger->critical("LookupExternalUserInfo: Could not unbind from ",
                             "LDAP: ", $mesg->code, "\n");
     undef $ldap;
     undef $mesg;
     $RT::Logger->debug("LookupExternalUserInfo: Leaving LDAP examination ",
                        "\tName         = $params{'Name'}\n",
                        "\tEmailAddress = $params{'EmailAddress'}\n",
                        "\tRealName     = $params{'RealName'}\n",
                        "\tFound        = $FoundInExternalDatabase\n");
     return ($FoundInExternalDatabase, %params);
  # }}}

  # AutoCreateFromExternalUserInfo overlay
  # author: Robin Battey <zanfur at zanfur dot com>
  # modified by Phillip Cole to remove $self-> from LookupExternalUserInfo
  # and move LookupExternalUserInfo into
  # based in part by the LookupExternalUserInfo function
  # written by Jeff Hoover <jeff.hoover at infotechfl dot com>
  # This Overlay is useful if you want the following behavior:
  #  * Whenever RT tries -- and fails -- to load a user from the
  #    RT user database, it queries an Ldap server for the account
  #    information and creates it on the fly (for both email lookups
  #    and web logins)
  #  * RT behaves as though the account has always been there -- i.e.
  #    there is no reason to give "Everyone" the "Create Ticket" right,
  #    because the account has been there all along ...
  #  * NO synchronization with the Ldap server once the account has
  #    been created, so any changes in RT stay in RT and any changes
  #    in Ldap stay in Ldap (unless you run some other script, of course)
  # The situation I had at my place of employment, which caused me
  # to write this, is we have an Active Directory server with a fairly
  # large number of users on it, with a fair bit of adding/deleting of
  # users going on.  I wanted a way for users to send a request to the
  # help queue, and then immediately be able to see the ticket, the
  # ticket's status, etc using their Active Directory (i.e. windows
  # domain) username and password.  I wrote this overlay for the account
  # generation, and used the LdapOverlay available in the "Contributions"
  # section of the RT3 Wiki ( for the
  # authentication.  This overlay was therefore designed to work well
  # with the LdapOverlay, and actually uses (some of) the same Ldap
  # variables.
  # I spent a bit of effort making sure this was modular, particularly
  # in the case of a different external user info source.  It currently
  # works with LDAP (and, of course, Active Directory), but there's no
  # good reason why you can't just replace the LookupExternalUserInfo
  # function to get your data from somewhere else.
  no warnings qw(redefine);
  # {{{ sub CreateFromExternalUserInfo
  =head2 CreateFromExternalUserInfo
  Calls LookupExternalUserInfo and creates a user from the results
  sub CreateFromExternalUserInfo {
      my $self = shift;
      my @lookupargs = @_;
      $RT::Logger->debug( "CreateFromExternalUserInfo: entered with args: ", @lookupargs, "\n");
      my ($found, %params) = RT::User::LookupExternalUserInfo (@lookupargs);
      $RT::Logger->debug( "CreateFromExternalUserInfo: params hash: ", %params, "\n");
      unless ($found) {
          $RT::Logger->info ("CreateFromExternalUserInfo: failed to find user with args: ", @lookupargs, "\n");
          return undef;
      my $UserObj = RT::User->new($RT::SystemUser);
      my ($val, $msg) = $UserObj->Create(
          %{ref($RT::AutoCreate) ? $RT::AutoCreate : {}},
      unless ($val) {
          $RT::Logger->info ("CreateFromExternalUserInfo: failed to create user with args: ", @lookupargs, "\n");
          return undef;
      $RT::Logger->info ("CreateFromExternalUserInfo: created user $val (\"$msg\")\n");
  # }}}
  # {{{ sub LoadByEmail
  =head2 LoadByEmail
  Loads a User into this CurrentUser object.
  Takes the email address of the user to load.
  sub LoadByEmail  {
      my $self = shift;
      my $identifier = shift;
      $identifier = RT::User::CanonicalizeEmailAddress(undef, $identifier);
      if (!$self->Id and $RT::AutoCreateFromExternalUserInfo) {
          $self->CreateFromExternalUserInfo ("mail", $identifier);
  # }}}
  # {{{ sub LoadByName
  =head2 LoadByName
  Loads a User into this CurrentUser object.
  Takes a Name.
  sub LoadByName {
      my $self = shift;
      my $identifier = shift;
      if (!$self->Id and $RT::AutoCreateFromExternalUserInfo) {
          $self->CreateFromExternalUserInfo ("uid", $identifier);
  # }}}
  # {{{ sub Load
  =head2 Load
  Loads a User into this CurrentUser object.
  Takes either an integer (users id column reference) or a Name
  The latter is deprecated. Instead, you should use LoadByName.
  Formerly, this routine also took email addresses.
  sub Load  {
    my $self = shift;
    my $identifier = shift;
    #if it's an int, load by id. otherwise, load by name.
    if ($identifier !~ /\D/) {
    elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($identifier,"RT::User")) {
           # DWIM if they pass a user in
    else {
        # This is a bit dangerous, we might get false authen if somebody
        # uses ambigous userids or real names:
  # }}}

--Phillip Cole 30/09/05